Thursday, December 07, 2006


The ffg is an actual letter writen to TRUWORTHS by a customer

Dear Sir/Madam

I hereby wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1 May in which for the third time, you request that I pay the monies owed to you. I first want you to know that by no means do I dispute my debt to your company and reconfirm my intend to make good on the debt as soon as possible. It is not as if I have been unwilling – in fact I have just been unable to pay you at the rate I would have liked to, due to the personal circumstances elaborated upon herein-under.

Firstly, on a point of correction, allow me to bring to your attention the fact that my details are recorded incorrectly on your database. You have incorrectly addressed me as Ms, whereas I am Mr. I cannot recall having had a sex-change operation, neither do I plan to. Although I can understand why you would make a mistake of that nature, simply because the perfume I bought was a ladies’ Issey Miyake, does not justify you referring to me as a woman. If you can make a mistake of that nature, Lord knows whether the amount alleged to be owed is not inflated. To that effect, please send me a detailed statement indicated all the cost included and the justification for the so-called interest and administration fees. To my knowledge, I have not borrowed money from you to be charged interest, neither do I expect you to administer my account as I know that I owe you R670.00 for the perfume I bought for my girlfriend. In any case, our relationship is not as great as it used to be and should it completely break down, I will forward you her details as she is the one enjoying the product derived from your store. Furthermore, it was not my intention to spend such a lot of money for a 50ml bottle of perfume.

Nonetheless, the reason for my correspondence is this - I wish to bring to your attention that you are not the only one I owe money to. I have many more creditors, quite as honourable as you and to whom I even owe many more thousands of rand than the lousy R670.00 owed to you, and whom I wish to reimburse too. That is why, each month, I throw all the names of my creditors into a hat and randomly draw the names of two creditors, whom I hasten to pay immediately. I hope that your name will come out in the next draw at the end of June.

Sincerely Yours,

PS: I regret to inform you that given the cheeky and impolite tone of your last letter, you will not be taking part in the next three draws


Mohamed Karolia said...

Cool Blog. Love the colour scheme.


Anonymous said...

hahhaah hehehee