Monday, March 26, 2007

Tagged by Zoe,Saf & R

What are The 5 things ppl dont knw about me?
hmm... really hard to say, There are alot of things ppl dont no about me.
Well i Asked a friend (mohsina) to help me discribe my self to u guys.
so r,zoe & saf, here are somtings you guys didnt know.

here u go...
conceited(mo Thinks so, but im not)
oh and then she added
"a chicken , dont like quad bikes" so not true
"loves good food and fine wine that ages like woman" lol
"party animal" maby at times.. but i knw my limits
"emulates qualities of a leader , def not a follower"

yea so finally iv keptd my promise to you all..
well nw lets c wat zoe,r,saf and all other friends think.


safiyyamk said...

a chicken??? hmmm i highly doubt that...
and the rest well ............................................................. i agree :)

ZK said...

lol some one invested in a thesaurus lol
Hmmm Hey thats not really telling us what we don't know lol I'm guessing we knew some of that already but maybe you getting Mo to help shows that you not even sure about who you are ;)
Btw you chicken of quading lol how is it I find that hard to believe hmmm maybe i should take you with me next time I go...on the condition you teach me to bike properly before I go for my licence...
The party animal is definitly no secret...but whats with thw wine and women?
lol you def a leader so you like me a shepherd and not a sheep!!!

r said...

hmmm... so apart from the conceitedness, you have no negative qualities?
and zoe's right, you just used a thesaurus! all sounds like you're describing a piece of art.. unless thats how you see yourself..?

Anonymous said...

Hey arshad who r u bluffing here!U r a party animal dat dnt knw hs limits!U chicken of quad biking!Even an 8 yr old wil put u away!U shud b ashamed man.Dnt u remember how we partied dat nyt n wat led afta dat;-).U wer awesome!Mwah